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The SSUA Educational Methods Research and Training Center provides qualitative, quantitative, and experimental social sciences research and consultancy services. In addition to certificate programs, courses for specific purposes are planned to be offered by the center. The aim of certificate programs is to provide the necessary methodological background for scientific research. Additionally, the training sessions will comprise all the processes starting from the construction of a research project, to the design of questionnaires, sampling and reporting using data analysis tools.

Data analysis training sessions are carried out in specific areas using pre-packaged programs (SPSS, Stata, MaxQda, etc.). It is aimed to inform the participants on tabulation of research results, graphing, application of statistical tests, interpretation of test results, reporting and so on.

A well- prepared written and visual material is being prepared for research methodology. This material will be made available to the participants. The center also plans to organize summer courses for undergraduate and postgraduate students.

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